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Welcome to 
Living Potential

addiction coaching and therapy

We use proven methods that foster

necessary healing

for you to reach your maximum potential

and successfully obtain your life goals. 

Book a Free
Life Changing Call 

Connect with Lianne and she will share with you and show you

how practical and forward thinking her methods are

for behavioral change and lifestyle fulfilment. 

Limited spots available for this month!

Does this sound like you? 

  • You are living a life of monotony, like you are "barely" getting by. 

  • You have lost that spark for life, excitement and creative energy. 

  • You feel there is more to life, than the life you are living. 

  • You have experienced a trauma or major event in the past (like death or abuse). 

  • You are living with addiction.

  • You are not coping with major disasters, like going back to "normal life" after Covid-19. 

  • You are ready to regain control of your life, and live a life of purpose and meaning. 

If you answered YES to any one of these,

Beautiful Nature

What We Do.


 Create strategies and coping mechanisms that frees you from the imprisonment of alcohol and drugs, minimize relapse and maintain sobriety.


Understanding the overall effects of our past trauma, emotional pain can become the seed of growth and can create mental strength.


L.P. helps create healthy strategies for healing, moving forward and comprehending the emotional impact and effects of natural disasters.


Regain your passion, find your purpose, and achieve your potential by exploring and reconnecting you with your true and genuine path

addiction coaching and therapy

Book a Free
Life Changing Call 

(Regularly $99!) 

Limited spots available for this month!

How we help.

Living Potential is about integrating proven methodologies and techniques from the therapeutic setting with the essential elements of coaching. Together, they allow you to change habitual thought processes that currently hold you back from being your authentic self and being truely happy.


Living Potential works with you to craft the ideal pathway for you to achieve your goals while bringing joy and comfort back to your day-to-day life.

Book a Free
Life Changing Call 

(Regularly $99!) 

Limited spots available for this month!

Image by Francesco Gallarotti


Living Potential

Practical forward thinking &
behavioral change.

Living Potential is all about filling the soul and healing the mind, so YOU can thrive once again.

Lianne uses different tools, techniques and methodologies in the therapeutic and coaching world to help a you live their true potential and follow your authentic path.

Lianne has become a powerful resource for her clients and their families. Today, through Living Potential, she works with her clients to begin the healing process, craft, and achieve goals, so they will attain a better tomorrow. 

Addiction coaching

Visit for
more information!

Image by Lukasz Szmigiel
Addiction therapy

Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, application and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Living Potential methodologies and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

Living Potential (L.P. and others) is not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions, and the evaluation and use of our services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Living Potential is not liable to you in any way for your results in using our services. 

© 2023 Living Potential · www.LivingPotential.Today

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